As Mr. Rock ends his second mandate at the U of O, having supervised seven years of building-construction growth and of assimilating Franco-Ontarian culture, he has now discovered ...:
“My message here today is that if our universities are given the tools they need, and if they build stronger relationships and new partnerships with industry, they can be the centrepiece of a national strategy to overcome the performance gaps holding us back. Universities can help make Canada the most innovative country in the world”
OK, but universities are of provincial jurisdiction, a fact that Rock has tried hard to deny with all kinds of UN-inspired globalization pet projects... Otherwise, brilliant idea. Especially from a former minister of industry who was not exactly known for helping to "make Canada the most innovative country in the world".
He was more known as minister of health for arbitrarily denying reparations to victims of tainted blood, and as the guy who made Canada safer (ahumm) with a gun registry that went somewhat over budget and never impacted crime rates.
He was also known for accepting what appeared to be a bribe:
"[Rock's] behaviour since the Irving affair became public has revealed him to be ethically challenged. […] it took Rock days to apologize. And he only grudgingly did so after Labour Minister Claudette Bradshaw rose in the Commons and offered an unqualified apology for accepting a ride on the Irving corporate jet three years ago. She also announced she was reimbursing the family for the flight."
– Ottawa Citizen, November 8, 2003, page 1.
Then, he was shipped off to the UN for a cure. Coming out, he was the perfect guy to run a university... ?
It was worth it, with this latest discovery of how to fix Canada. Thank you Mr. Rock.
Oh, and this little sound track of Mr. Rock illustrating his open-door policy by screaming at a student, for no apparent good reason: LINK.
Liberals, rah-rah-rah.